Services » School Lunch Programs

Nu-Way Concessionaires serves several schools in the New Jersey and New York area. When it comes to our schools, Nu-Way focuses on several important areas.

The single most important thing that our company is doing right now is making sure that we are one of the healthiest school food service providers in the country. We always make sure that the schools we serve have plenty of heathy and wholesome meal choices to choose from. Here is a list of a few things Nu-Way does to make sure your children have a healthy breakfast and lunch.

We use only whole grain bread products
We do not allow any trans fats in our food products
We only use grade A fruits and vegetables
We use only baked snacks and have heathy vending selections
All milk is 1% and All Juice is 100% Fruit Juice
All of our menus are nutritionally balanced

  • Developing scholarship programs for students
  • Contributing to any charities put in place by your school
  • Playing a major roll in golf outings and school fundraisers
  • Holiday events for your school or local charities

Nu-Way's hope as a company is that we can help the children in our schools lead a healthier and happier life. We believe that we have come up with a winning formula which balances all the right strategies to keep your school healthy while still increasing overall meal sales.